Learn why AI resumes are making job searches harder, not easier. Discover how to stand out in the AI apocalypse by building authentic connections that lead to real opportunities.
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Learn why AI resumes are making job searches harder, not easier. Discover how to stand out in the AI apocalypse by building authentic connections that lead to real opportunities.
The most valuable skill for mid-career professionals is thought leadership. It is even more important than a strong resume or LinkedIn profile, and more important than having an active network. This is because if you’re not engaging as a thought leader, there is little reason to navigate to your profile, and your network has no
What if you could completely change the way you approach a job interview? What if you could shift the entire paradigm? Instead of feeling like you’re running a gauntlet, or sweating under the scrutiny of an interviewer who has your fate in their hands, what if you felt relaxed, engaged, and on an equal footing?
Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are no one’s friend. They use arbitrary criteria programmed by someone to exclude submitted resumes from application databases. We know why this is not good for applicants, whose experience and talents make them more valuable than skills-only criteria. But it’s not good for companies either, as they’re missing out on employees who may
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