Learn why AI resumes are making job searches harder, not easier. Discover how to stand out in the AI apocalypse by building authentic connections that lead to real opportunities.
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Learn why AI resumes are making job searches harder, not easier. Discover how to stand out in the AI apocalypse by building authentic connections that lead to real opportunities.
Prepare for your mid-career job interview with confidence. Discover strategies to overcome bias, highlight recent achievements, and ace common interview questions.
Losing a job in mid-career can feel like failure, but it’s an opportunity for growth. Reframe the experience to rebuild confidence, visualize new goals, and embrace future opportunities.
Discover how self-compassion can help you build resilience during a mid-career job search, combat negativity, and embrace personal growth and change.
Discover how to discreetly search for a new job without your boss finding out. Learn effective LinkedIn strategies, profile tips, and trusted networking tactics.
Your resume isn’t going to help you get a job interview. The best way to get in the door is to focus on your network and have as many career-related conversations as possible with your contacts.
Recruiters work for employers, so don’t expect any loyalty. But they can be valuable allies in your mid-career job search if you know how to work with them.
Networking is a pain. But it’s the only way to build your career. Use thought leadership to make networking more enjoyable and more effective.
Networking is the most time-intensive aspect of managing your career. But it’s also the most effective. And today, it’s really the only option you’ve got that’s really going to move the needle.
As a mid-career professional, you’re more than just your resume. Your experience, wisdom, and strategic thinking set you apart. However, to truly stand out, consider adopting a product mindset. This means defining, articulating, and marketing your value in a mission-critical way. It involves focusing on delivering niche solutions and being data-driven. Avoid common mistakes such as focusing solely on roles and responsibilities or telling war stories. Instead, prepare thoroughly, focus on your deliverables, and present compelling evidence that you’re the right person for the job. Remember, you’re not just an employee, you are the solution.
If you’re having trouble finding your next gig, or you’re running into unexpected friction or headwinds in your current position, you may be thinking too much like an employee. Consider the advantage of a more entrepreneurial mindset. As you evolve in and beyond mid-career, your mindset must shift if you’re going to maintain your momentum
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